Support of small and medium-sized enterprises

Support for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Recognizing the critical role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the member states, Investkredit International Bank Plc has made it a priority to support the SME sector through collaborations with leading international and national financial institutions.

Prioritized SME Activities

Investkredit International Bank Plc prioritizes the following SME activities:

  • Innovation, including support for high-tech start-up projects
  • Modernization, including technological upgrades
  • Resource conservation and energy efficiency
  • Mutual exchange of experience and technology among member states, and job creation

Given the varying criteria for defining SMEs across member states, Investkredit International Bank Plc employs a case-by-case approach to ensure proper use of funds in each country.

Provision of Financing Through Intermediaries

Investkredit International Bank Plc supports SMEs through a two-level loan scheme, financing SMEs via a network of financial intermediaries such as partner commercial banks and leasing companies. These intermediaries must operate within a member state, have a solid business reputation, experience in SME financing, and a stable financial position confirmed by audit reports. The Bank ensures that the target programs of these intermediaries align with its principles and priorities, monitoring the proper use of funds continuously.

Financial Intermediaries

When the two-level loan scheme is used, financing is provided to SMEs through the following types of banks:

  • National development banks
  • Banks with state participation and/or involvement of national and international development banks
  • Commercial banks
Leasing Companies

Leasing is an effective tool for modernizing fixed assets and expanding SME production capabilities with minimal expenditure of their own funds. Financing is provided to leasing companies that meet Investkredit International Bank Plc’s criteria for offering leasing products to SMEs seeking to lease production equipment, motor vehicles, construction or agricultural equipment, and other machinery.