
As an international financial institution, Investkredit International Bank PLC is committed to adhering to global Compliance rules and standards. Our independent Compliance Department, which reports directly to the Chairman of the Board, is tasked with identifying, managing, and monitoring compliance risks in line with the Bank’s Compliance Policy.

We maintain a zero-tolerance policy toward activities such as money laundering, terrorism financing, corruption, and fraud—whether within our operations or by our employees and counterparts. Investkredit actively supports international initiatives to combat these practices, and we implement rigorous AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism) controls. Our procedures for counterparties’ identification, due diligence, and operations monitoring form the foundation of our AML/CFT system, helping us to recognize, mitigate, and manage compliance risks effectively.

The Bank’s AML/CFT control framework is outlined in the Anti-Money Laundering, Combating Terrorism Financing, Fraud, and Corruption Policy, which sets out standards and procedures to prevent engagement in prohibited activities. Our commitment to promoting economic growth and competitiveness is aligned with high standards of corporate ethics and business conduct. To this end, we have implemented a comprehensive Code of Conduct for all employees, which emphasizes our core values and guides behavior in complex situations. The Compliance Department provides guidance, education, and support to prevent potential conflicts of interest.

To foster transparency and integrity within the financial markets, Investkredit has established measures to prevent, detect, and control misuse of insider information. This includes the “Regulations on the Procedure of Dealing with Insider Information and Insiders of Investkredit International Bank,” which strengthens our internal control framework.

We are also committed to accountability and responsiveness through our “Procedure for Receiving and Handling Complaint Reports.” This allows employees and third parties to report breaches related to money laundering, terrorism financing, corruption, and fraud. Our Independent Accountability Mechanism ensures that all complaints are properly addressed, reflecting our commitment to transparency and the interests of our member states.

In alignment with global standards, Investkredit joined the Uniform Framework for Preventing and Combatting Fraud and Corruption, developed by leading international financial institutions. This framework enhances our compliance instruments, strengthening our efforts against fraud and corruption. Following this endorsement, our Compliance Department policies, including those for AML/CFT and handling complaints, have been updated to align with these advanced global standards.

Endorsement Statement by the Chairman of the Board
Our dedication to these practices underscores our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and social responsibility as an international institution. We believe that by adopting these robust compliance measures, Investkredit will continue to support sustainable development and strengthen the economies of our member states.